Chem 1A: Science News Blog Reply Assignment due 10/1/22 at noon.

Blog Reply: Now that you have posted your most interesting Science News Story on the Chem 1A blog, read your fellow classmate’s Science News Stories. “Reply” to the Science News Story (not your own) that you find most interesting. In your Reply, post the following:

  1. your name and lab section,
  2. one sentence on why you found this Science News Story interesting.

Due Saturday, 10/1/22, noon.

Blog: As of last week (Week of 9/12/22), you should have recorded 3 Science News stories.

Choose your most interesting News Story and post the following information in the comments below:

1. Your name and lab section,

2. Title of story, source of story, and date story was published,

3. One sentence summary of story,

4. One sentence speculation on why story was reported and how reliable is the information.

Due Saturday, 9/24/22, noon.

51 thoughts on “Chem 1A: Science News Blog Reply Assignment due 10/1/22 at noon.”

  1. Silver Daniels
    Lab T/Th 2-5pm

    My perception of Science compared to the beginning of the semester has changed. I’m starting to realize how science is important in our daily lives and we come into contact with it on a regular basis and in our homes with cleaning products, medications, cooking and so much more. Understanding the science behind cleaning products makes choosing the best product for the best results a lot easier and just unerstanding the process let’s you apply that knowledge through your life.

  2. Article: How does a crop’s environment shape a food’s smell and taste?
    Date Published: September 9th, 2020
    Source: Science News

    Summary: This article talks about the effect aroma and soil has on the taste of where crops are grown, and how chemicals and microbial imports can stay in the soil and give. distinctive flavor to future crops that are grown in the same land.

    I believe this article is reliable because it has so much more data to prove what they are explaining and also includes dialogue from a couple who experienced this first hand. They spoke about how a couple who was wine tasting in Napa, smelled green peppers in their wine glasses while drinking their wine, which turned out to be that green peppers were grown right next to the grapes from their wine.

  3. Kristin Barber-Scott, Section 1025.
    Potty-trained cattle could help reduce pollution When nature calls, these cows use bathroom stalls :
    This article talks about the potential to teach cows to use the restroom in a way that enables farmers to collect and treat it, some cows were able to learn and the researchers believe with more time others can be as well. This was probably reported because cow waste can do damage to the environment, especially with the quantity of cows on Earth. The citation was from current biology, which is a peer reviewed journal, so probably reliable.

  4. 1) “The day the climate crisis came home” (, written by Matt Rosoff for the CNBC, and published on September 9th, 2021

    2) This news report was an article about climate change, how it’s no longer specualtion, it’s here and it’s a problem that needs to be dealt with.

    3) I speculate this was reported to tell people who don’t believe in climate change to persuade them to change their views, but also to show to people who do believe it that there are people working to reverse it. I would consider this report reliable, for the statistics they provided did in fact check out, and billionaires like Bill gates that are being credited with attempting to stop this also checked out; due to the main data and information in this article being correct I feel this is reliable.

  5. Potty trained Cattle Could Help Reduce Pollution
    Sept. 14, ScienceNews

    In the article, it talks about the benefits to both humans and the environment that come along from potty training cows. The cow feces and urine will no longer mix if cows are potty trained and therefore contaminate the environment less.

    This article was probably published since we hear a lot of talk about climate change and global warming. Potty training the cows would definitely help in this situation. This information happens to be from a credible source and there is even a video that shows the cow using the stall.

  6. Gabino Guzman (Section 1024)

    “Cannabis may alter a teen’s developing brain”, Science News for Students, September 20, 2021

    A study done on hundreds of teens revealed that smoking marijuana shrunk the size of our prefrontal cortex, and in turn, results in lower/delayed graduation rates and more mental health disorders.

    The story was reported to raise awareness about the rising population of teenagers and the source appears credible as the research was done by a psychologist at the University of Vermont.

  7. 1. Angel Brito-Pizano (1025)
    2. “A pinch of saturated fat could make tempering chocolate a breeze” Science News, September 7th, 2021
    3. Scientists have created an idea of adding a small number of phospholipids which are fatty molecules, to create better qualities of making chocolate.
    4. This article was published to show individuals how chocolate can be made with phospholipids to have good quality chocolate. Scientists have developed experiments to understand how each component of making chocolate is made by heating at high temperatures.

  8. Hello Mai, I really liked your choice of science news because i do believe there has been a huge obsession over vaccines, but if they were to find a cure to cancer, then that would be a miracle from god to be able to help many people with cancer. Thank you for this awesome topic!

  9. Laura Huitron (section 1024)
    Hi Priscilla, this is definitely something very impactful since a lot of our coral reefs are dying because they have been unable to adapt to the climate change. I think this article was really interesting and gives us a sense of hope for our coral reefs to be able to continue to flourish, even with these changes in their environment.

  10. 1. Angel Carrillo and Lab section 1025
    2. I found this Science News Story interesting because it gives us insight to what we might see as energy in the future, in order to help preserve the Earth and slow down climate change. Overall, it is wonderful to hear how scientists are coming up with new sources of energy to help save Earth from global warming; since now we will have a higher incentive to believe that we will be able to stay on this world longer than what was proposed.

  11. I posted this a couple of days ago, although I hadn’t replied to anyone yet, but since it’s not on here maybe it didn’t submit properly. I tried reposting it again just now, but for some reason it still won’t post, so I’ll try again and hopefully it posts this time. 🙂 “The Kidney Project successfully tests a prototype bioartificial kidney” published by UCSF 9/9/21.

    The article is about how the Kidney Project won a $650,000 prize from KidneyX for its first-ever demonstration of a functional prototype of an implantable artificial kidney. This would be extremely useful for many people who suffer from kidney failure, as dialysis is an epensive and uncomfortable process that a patient may need to undergo multiple times per week and kidney donations are scarce.

    The story was reported by UCSF’s School of Pharmacy and one of The Kindney Project’s leaders is Shuvo Roy, PhD of UC San Francisco so this article may be published partly to make the school look good. I do think that the information is reliable though because UCSF has a reputatio to uphold and it would not look good to be spreading misinformation. The article also provided links to other sources reporting on the contest and a couple of videos demonstrating how the artificial kidney works.

  12. Hi Jennifer I found this article interesting because of makeup’s history of containing harmful substances, such as radium in powder and even lead in lipstick currently (although there is debate around how much lead in lipstick is too much lead). I wonder which items we use now will be revealed to have been harmful to us years later.

  13. 1. Jose Emilio Lomeli-Vega

    2. I find this story interesting because the analysis and collection of these rocks could possibly give us enough information about Mars history, if the had water, Or if they even had life.

  14. Diego Arvizu section 1067
    Toyota, Kenworth Prove Fuel Cell Electric Truck Capabilities with Successful Completion of Truck Operations for ZANZEFF Project
    Insider, September 22,2022 7am
    Toyota and Kenworth are testing zero emission heavy-duty trucks that run in Fuel cell battery made by Toyota.
    The story was reported by Toyota there self to help the growth of fuel cell advisement so it is maybe they might leaving problems they faced out.

    1. Jose Lezama, section 1067.
      I found this Science News Story interesting because is crazy how people are trying to create fuel cell batteries and find a solution to the problem that they have to overcome.

    2. Nathaniel Guico, 1067
      I found this article very interesting because Toyota is trying to advance their company by straying away from emission vehicles

    3. Gavin Geronimo, section 1067

      This story is interesting because Toyota’s engineers have to figure out how they will generate the same power as a gas combustion engine of a heavy duty truck using a fuel cell battery. It will be fascinating to see how Toyota works their way around this problem.

  15. Christian Schierer, 1067, China Discovers Mineral on the Moon That Could be Used for Nuclear Fusion, September 16, 2022.
    This article talks about how the Chinese moon rover, Chang’e-5, landed on the moon and obtained a crystal that has a possibility of generating energy through nuclear fusion. This website however is only reporting what china has stated. China has lied about their scientific finding on several occasions so the contents in this article most likely are not reliable.

    1. Diego Arvizu Section 1067
      That is cool they could find out how to use the mineral to power things but it could also all be baloney.

  16. Jimena Parra, Section 1067
    NASA’s Perseverance Rover Investigates Geologically Rich Mars Terrain,, September 15, 2022
    NASA’s Perseverance rover explores and collects samples from the Jezero Crater on Mars to investigate its sedimentary rocks.
    This story was reported by NASA to inform readers about the whereabouts and purpose of their rover, and I found the information to be reliable overall. It outlines their process for collecting samples, describes previous collections, includes quotes from relevant and credible people, and describes their full purpose for this mission as well as the other organizations involved.

    1. Hello Jimena,

      I find this news very interesting because of how the Perseverance rover managed to find a sign of life (microorganisms) in Mars from collecting rocks from a crater that apparently used to be a lake.

  17. BBC News: “New malaria vaccine is world-changing, say scientists” September 8, 2022 by James Gallagher, health and science correspondent.

    An approved vaccine for malaria has been developed that is purported to have had 80% protection during its first trial with three doses and later, a booster shot, for 409 children in Africa.

    The story was reported as it is about the first ever effective vaccine approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) for malaria, a deadly disease carried by mosquitos, and is a reliable source because James Gallagher is a journalist who graduated with a biology degree, specializing in health and medical science news reporting since 2010.

    1. This is an interesting news story because it presents a promising vaccine and information for combatting malaria.

  18. ScienceDaily: Risks of multiple climate tipping points escalates above 1.5℃ global warming, 9/15/22

    There is a strong possibility that multiple climate tipping points could be triggered if global temperatures rise 1.5℃ or more above pre-industrial levels; with current levels of global heating, five climate tipping points are at risk of being passed.

    The story was reported because researchers are worried that the rising temperatures will cause irreparable damage and want immediate action to stop further global warming. The article came from Stockholm University, which is a reliable source of information since it comes from a respectable institution.

    1. Hey Fernando.
      I found your article interesting because climate change has been an ongoing topic for a long time. It seems it’s very important for us to keep the temperature down so that no more irreparable damage is caused to our planet.

  19. Logan Nunez, Section 1067
    Mars rover nears milestone in ambitious plan to return first rocks from another planet,, Sep. 20
    After an 18 month voyage across Mars, the Preservance rover has collected enough rock sample to return back to Earth.
    This story was published to help give perspective on the history of Mars’ terrestrial backdrop and what it’s surface once was.

    1. Jesus Mendoza Padilla
      Section: 1067

      I found this interesting because it shows how far we have come with technology.

  20. CHM 1A Section 1067

    Title: Sparkly Image of Neptune’s Rings Comes into View from JWST
    Author: Jeanna Bryner
    Published: September 22, 2022

    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) takes a rare picture of Neptune’s rings

    The reporting of Neptune’s rings is a momentous occasion because the last picture taken of the rings was in 1989 by the Voyager 2, so a second, clearer picture is a new event.

  21. NBC News: “Climate change could wipe $108 billion from U.S. property market, study finds” By Alex Lubben, September 20, 2022.
    Rising sea levels will flood vast areas of the country and submerge billions of dollars worth of land.
    The story was reported to bring awareness to climate change and its outcomes. The rise of sea levels will eventually take land away from people.

    1. Jazmin Hernandez; Section 1067

      Hi Chantel!
      I found your Science News Story to be interesting because its a matter of concern that many take lightly; climate change/global warming has been taking action for years now and it’s unbelievable to think how sea levels can/will rise and impact the lives of us humans, animals, and many other ecosystems.

    2. I found this story to be interesting because it shows the threat climate change presents to the lives of people currently living near the ocean and how much damage it presents to the U.S. economy.

  22. “In 2021, a deadly volcano erupted with no warning. Here’s why”, Science News, 9/2/22.

    A volcano, Mount Nyiragongo, located in Congo erupted suddenly. The story was reported because this is a dangerous volcano and the previous times the it erupted, it had warnings such as seismic rumbling. The information seems reliable as the writer, Carolyn Gramling, has bachelor’s degrees in geology and European history and a Ph.D. in marine geochemistry.

  23. “ Decarbonizing the shipping industry will cost more than $1 trillion”, Science News, 22 September, 2022.
    The shipping industry’s emissions might be reduced by using zero-emission fuels to power all ships by the year 2050, however doing so would cost between $1 trillion and $1.4 trillion. This author is a reliable source because he has published other articles in Science, National Geographic, The Boston Globe, Scientific American, Undark, Discover, Yale E360, Wired, bioGraphic and Smithsonian.

  24. NASA had a mission called “FAST” which its main objective was to take pictures of the solar winds. This allowed scientists to study the images to see the behavior of iodized gas. The machine can fly over these areas such as the Northern Lights. This helped scientists get a better understanding of these very odd lights in the sky and as well as giving more data on iodized gases.

  25. An earthquake of a magnitude of 7.6 that struck Mexico resulted in one person’s death. Many buildings were damaged due to this earthquake. In 1985 and 2017 deadly earthquakes also struck Mexico on September 19. A U.S. geological survey seismologist said it was seen as a coincidence that nowhere else there has been a pattern or earthquakes in the same month different year.

  26. Juan Alfaro, section 1067, Giant Black Holes Devouring Stars: Extreme Cosmic Events Illuminating Black Hole Spacetimes, April 2019, Astronomers reveals that in the center of every big galaxy there exists a giant black hole. If a star gets too close to a black hole the tidal force caused by it could be so large that the star is torn apart. Part of the mass-energy of the star is consumed by the black hole, and the rest is converted to energy released in forms of radiation and wind. This story was reported to give new information on black holes. This information is reliable because it came from the department of physics in The University of Hong Kong.

    1. This post is interesting because of how little we know about space and how crazy things, such as black hole eating stars, are out there.

  27. ScienceNews: “Just 3 ingredients can quickly destroy widely used PFAS ‘forever chemicals’” By Nikk Ogasa JUNE 3, 2022 AT 9:00 AM

    “So Liu and his colleagues blasted UV rays at a solution containing PFBS, iodide and sulfite. To the researchers’ surprise, after 24 hours of irradiation, less than 1 percent of the stubborn PFBS remained.”

    In this story, the scientists were working tirelessly to try and destroy a “forever chemical” PFAS and PFBS (Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances), as it is a huge concern for environmental preservation and a major problem for health safety. Then they found a way to do it by using iodide, sulfite, and UV radiation.

  28. Jose Lezama, Section 1067
    A clever molecular trick extends the lives of these ant queens, ScienceNews, September 1, 2022.
    Ant queen has a short life term since they produce a lot of egg which shorted their life, but the anti-aging allowed them to live longer.
    This story is reliable because it has been reported by journalism that has been active since 1921. They report it because they may want to tell people that this anti-aging process is happening in human bodies too so they would not age that fast when they reproduce.

    1. Section: 1067
      I found this science news story interesting because I wasn’t aware that ants had short life spans or that they could extend it.

  29. Jazmin Hernandez; Section 1067

    Science Daily: “Babies react to taste and smell in the womb”
    Published: September 22, 2022

    Scientists took 4D ultrasound scans of pregnant women to see how unborn babies responded to flavors from foods eaten by their mothers.

    The story was reported to express the significance of the findings and how they could have important implications for understanding the development of our taste and smell receptors, along with related perception and memory. The story is reliable because the article came from Aston University, a respected institution.

  30. Jesus Mendoza
    Section 1067
    Title: Ancient fish fossils highlight the strangeness of our vertebrate ancestors
    source: Science News
    Date: September 28, 2022

    New fossils of vertebrates show how unusual the ancestors of present-day vertebrates really were, It also shows how much they have developed over the years. This story was posted to highlight the strangeness of these fossilized vertebrates. This story is reliable because the fossils are proof of the strangeness of these ancient vertebrates.

  31. Christian Schierer 1067
    Nasa to crash $330 million spacecraft into asteroid to see if impact can alter course
    September 3 2022
    This story is an informational post about Nasa’s attempt to keep earth safe from a potential future asteroid impact. This was merely a test to see what could happen if this was tried on a real asteroid. This article is fairly reliable since NASA themselves has confirmed and attempted this experiment.

  32. Chantal Trujillo, Section 1067

    Science Daily: “Robotic drug capsule can deliver drugs to the gut.”
    Published: September 29, 2022

    MIT has developed a drug allowing drugs carried by the capsule to pass into cells lining the intestine. This capsule will be used for “biologic drugs”. Will also be able to deliver protein drugs such as insulin orally. This article is a reliabe source because their source is Massachusetts Insitute of Technology.

  33. Jesus Mendoza Padilla 1067
    Salt, NaCl
    I found this in my kitchen. this usually goes by “salt”, salt is important because we need it as part of our daily diet.

  34. Arcadio Claudio 1067
    ibuprofen C13H18O2
    This compound was found in the medication cabinet and it is important to have it in case someone has a headache or is feeling pain of any kind.

  35. Chantal Trujillo 1067

    Sucrose C12H22O11

    This compound is used for baking, cooking, and even pharmaceutical industries. We often use sucrose in our everyday lives.

  36. -Sergio Moreno 1067
    -Snider, M. (2022). Needle-in-a-haystack’ search finds possible phantom-like black hole roaming the Milky Way. USA Today.
    -June 15, 2022
    – Scientist have fond evidence of possible black hole in our solar system using the Hubble Telescope.
    – Not much is known about black holes and there has never been a confirm recording of a black hole. Source is reliable, NASA has been using Hubble telescope to research our solar system.

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