Chem 1A Lab Information and Grading

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Lab Safety, Work, and measurement

Safety in the Chemistry Lab and Lab Safety Agreement

PPE Lab Experiences Worth Sharing” from Flinn Scientific

Why You Need to Wear Safety Glasses” (from Periodic Videos)

Runaway Hot Plates – it really happens!

A Visual Guide to Chemistry Glassware (from Compound Interest)

Some General Chemistry Lab Equipment (pictures)

Chem 1A Lab Equipment Check Sheet

Group and Collaborative Work

Critical and Analytical Thinking in Science: Data Analysis

Scientific Measurement and Significant Figures

Lab Experiments

Lab 1. How to Live in an Uncertain World

Lab 2. “Test, Not Taste.” Using Properties to Identify and Separate Substances

Lab 3. Oh, What A Relief It Is! Preparation of An Antacid

Lab 4. Give and Take: Acids and Bases

Lab 5. Acid and Base Magic

Lab 6. More Give and Take: Rust and Bleach

Lab 7. Even More Give and Take: Heating and Cooling

Alcohol Fuel Testing (courtesy of S. Lepe, J. Rivera, M. Delgado, Fall 2019)

Alcohol Fuel Test (courtesy of D. Pina, L. Faro, P. Razo, Fall 2017)

Lab 8. A Lot More Give and Take: Heating and Cooling with Chemical Reactions

Lab 9. Let There Be Light! (and Matter)

Lab 10. A Stain in Time Saves Nine

Lava Lamp (courtesy R. Fragoso, Fall 2018)

Lab 11. How to Pass Gas (Laws)

Lab 12. How to Apply Gas and Liquid and Solid (Laws)

SLAC (courtesy C. Valdez)

Why Lab?

In science, observations are made to discover, learn, and understand what’s going on in nature. In a science course, hands-on activities are the best way to make observations and learn science. As such, the laboratory is a very important part of this course. This course is designed around these lab activities to help you learn chemistry concepts and content, augment critical thinking and problem solving skills, learn the process of science and creativity in science, and develop a “scientific” attitude. Lectures and labs will be coordinated so you will be able to relate what you do in lab to what you do in lecture and vice versa. All laboratory assignments must be completed to pass Chem 1A.

Science is a collaborative endeavor. Employers value employees who know how to work as a team. In Chem 1A Lab, you will work in a group of 2 to 4. When you work in a larger group, assign a team leader, communicator, record keeper, and counselor for each lab and rotate roles for each lab. Each role is described in “Group and Collaborative Work“. Make sure each team member contributes equally to each lab activity. Expect to spend the entire lab period in lab.

Your Lab Grade consists of the following assignments:

15 Lab Assignments (weekly): Lab Activities are designed for you to apply and practice the objectives discussed in lecture to lab and to develop skills to collect data, analyze data to obtain results, and interpret results to draw conclusions. You will work with your lab partners on experiments but you must submit Lab Assignments individually due at the end of Thursday’s lab.

The Lab Safety Factor will be based on your attendance (including being on time), your timely submission of lab assignments, your observation of lab safety rules and regulations, your lab technique, and your initiative and cooperation (ability to do your own work and an equal share of group work, ability and willingness to work, collaborate, and cooperate with other students). If you arrive late; hand assignments in late; do not observe lab safety, e.g., don’t use eye protection, endanger the safety of your peers and instructor; have poor lab technique, or no one likes working with you, you will receive a low lab safety factor grade and a lower lab grade.

Lab Policies

1.  Safety glasses or goggles are required in lab. Prescription glasses are an adequate substitute for safety glasses/goggles. For students who wear contact lenses, you will need to wear safety glasses/goggles over your contact lenses. Try to be aware of your safety as well as the safety of others in lab.

2.  FAILURE TO CHECK-IN YOUR LOCKER, whether you drop the course or complete it, results in a $25 LAB FEE plus a charge for any broken or missing equipment.


4. Late lab assignments will not be accepted.

5.  The chemistry lab has 14 computers.

a.  You cannot store your lab data and results on the hard drive of a computer you are using. Please bring a floppy disk or flash/thumb drive to store lab files.

b.  Each computer is connected to a network printer. You will need to supply your own printer paper.

c.  These computers are connected to the internet so you can look up scientific information. Please do not download images, files, or software onto these computers.

Fall 2013 Pancake video highlights (courtesy of E. Hutchins):